About Us
We are the Quartermaster's Store for OSG
Our goal is to provide all the badges, uniform items, and other products our youth and adult scouts need to participate in the traditional scouting program offered by the OSG in the USA. Our store is run by OSG Headquarters (HQ) Quartermaster, who you can reach via email at qm@bpsa-us.org.
More about OSG and Traditional Scouting
Visit us on the web at http://www.bpsa-us.org or Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/bpsa.us
The Outdoor Service Guides (OSG) was formed in the USA in 2006 as an independent and traditional-style Scouting Association. It perpetuates the principles and practices of scouting laid down in 1907 which had been developed and refined in boy scout associations around the world for over 99 years. These principles are so fundamentally sound and the practices so adaptable that traditional scouting goes on developing and can never be dated or unsuited to any community. Our aim is to promote good citizenship and wholesome physical, mental and spiritual development; and training in habits of observation, discipline, self-reliance, loyalty, and useful skills.
OSG is totally independent of, and not affiliated with, either the Boy Scouts of America or the Girls Scouts of the USA. We are members of the World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS) and as such are not in competition with other American scouting associations; we are only their brothers.
The training scheme devised by Baden-Powell is based on using the natural desires of young people as a guide to the activities which will attract and hold them. The appeal of true scouting has always been to that element of the vagabond, pioneer and explorer which is part of our nature, and is at its most evident in youth. Hence the significance of the opening sequence of Baden-Powell’s “Explanation of Scouting” in Scouting for Boys:
By the term ‘scouting’ is meant the work and attributes of backwoodsmen, explorers and frontiersmen.
Scouting is an outdoor movement and that is part of its character. To whatever degree conditions may, at time, force us indoors—such as weather, darkness, or town life—we must regard this as second-best necessity and never as a satisfactory substitute for the real thing.
OSG believes that everyone deserves a chance to participate in the movement which Baden-Powell started, and with that, we have crafted our policy of inclusion:
OSG offers a choice for those with curiosity, energy and independence of spirit. We are committed to providing an appropriate alternative and community-oriented scouting experience. OSG welcomes everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion (or no-religion) or other differentiating factors. Our mission is to provide a positive learning environment within the context of democratic participation and social justice. We foster the development of scouts in an environment of mutual respect and cooperation.
We’ll see you on the trail!